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What is Binance for PC?

Binance for PC is a popular cryptocurrency exchange which was started in China but then moved their headquarters to the crypto-friendly Island of Malta in the EU. Binance is popular for its crypto to crypto exchange services.

Is Binance making up the rules?

When you’re the world’s largest crypto exchange in a largely unregulated market, it is easy to make up the rules as you go. In its latest backroom maneuver, Binance transferred $1.8 billion in stablecoin collateral to hedge funds, including Alameda and Cumberland/DRW, leaving its other investors exposed.

Did Binance send $1.2 billion to Alameda research?

According to Forbes’ on-chain analysis, the facts of which Binance has not disputed, $1.2 billion of this was sent to trading firm Cumberland DRW, with other amounts going to now-collapsed hedge fund Alameda Research, Tron founder Justin Sun and crypto infrastructure and services firm Amber Group.

How much does Binance cost?

Binance offers some of the world’s lowest trading fees at a general rate of 0.1% per trade for maker and taker orders. They offer a reduction of 25% on all trading fees by holding a certain amount of Binance Coin (BNB). How does the Binance Calculator work? The Binance Calculator uses a simple percentage calculation.

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